Benefit of Having Security Gaurd

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Security Level II, Security Level III, Security Level IV
Private Investigator, Defensive Tactics, Firearm Safety Course
ASP Baton, Handcuffing, OC/Pepper Spray
Taser, First Aid/CPR/AED, License to Carry
Remote CCTV & Alarm monitoring services allow you to keep your properties safe and protected 24/7. Professional security guards use their expertise in surveillance to act quickly to prevent incidents.
Get this service done quickly and efficiently with United Front. I understand how important it is to feel confident and worry free when it comes to the personal protection you choose. That’s why we invest the time and energy necessary to be well prepared for any unique requests or special concerns our clients may have.
When it comes to maintaining security, there are many situations where armed security guards can be the best option. You need a security company that can come in and quickly master the nuances and get the job done. There are many different factors to consider when making a choice between hiring an armed security guard or an unarmed security guard.
Mobile patrol services give office and retail property owners and managers a great way of monitoring their facilities after business hours. Random visits throughout the day/night by a well-marked highly visible patrol vehicle is a proven way to deter property loss and damage. Provides security patrols for residential communities, storage facilities, construction sites, retail & commercial properties, with parking lot enforcement, just to name a few.
No matter what type of event you have planned, there are many security procedures that may need to be in place to ensure everyone's safety. Some of the most important include: officers presence, crowd and media control, access control, visitor log, and bag searches if needed, just to name a few.
Our residential & commercial security guards will work closely with management to map the perfect security plan. Sometimes, suite key card access & gates are not enough to keep crime out. Experienced trained security guards offer building management, tenants, and guests an added layer of protection. Preventing attacks & unwelcomed access, while detecting fire hazards, reducing stress and anxiety is our goal!
The results you deserve with this quality service, and at an affordable price. As a professional Security Guard, We bring our experience and know-how with us on every job. But what really sets our services apart from the rest of the industry is our attention to detail and receptiveness to the unique needs of each client.